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Synergistic Effect in Collaboration with
Other Licensed Professionals

There are other accredited professionals besides judicial scriveners, such as lawyers, social workers and home helpers. What do you think should be the roles played by these professionals in this area?
    Mr. Iwasawa
    In my personal view, each professional should deal with the issue of guardianship within his or her particular area of expertise, assisting the individual in exercising judgement in choosing the appropriate professional help. These professionals should concentrate on their respective areas so that the end result will be a system which offers multiple choices to the elderly.

What should be the division of labor or types of collaboration between different professionals?
    Mr. Iwasawa
    Lawyers and judicial scriveners may be rivals to some extent but they are complementary when it comes to court procedures. The task before us is not separable from welfare, so the participation of licensed workers is indispensable. In reality, the types of collaboration between different licensed professionals depends upon the needs of each individual beneficiary. Often, collaboration between different professionals generates a desirable synergistic effect.
    These was a case involving a judicial scrivener who was requested to assist a landlord who had had difficulty in collecting rent from an elderly tenant, yet was not willing to evict him. In this case, the scrivener was aware of aid available for this particular tenant, and assisted him in obtaining insurance from which the landlord was able to be paid the rent. The knowledge, experience and ideas of different professionals may well complement one another in maximizing the overall contribution to the beneficiaries. It is also beneficial to have different professionals involved in these kinds of projects because each professional may act as an ombudsman, checking one another. Moral and ethical standards may differ from professional to professional but together they may be able to safeguard the system against possible collapse.


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