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Proposals to Expand the Functions of Legislative Assistants

Based upon the points noted above, the following measures to improve the legislative assistance functions for the Diet are proposed.

  1. The government should appeal to the public, seeking their understanding as to budget limitations.
  2. Any plan to reduce the number of the Diet Members should be specific.
  3. Diet Members should have the resolve to make use of legislative assistance organizations constructively and organically.
  4. The present system among the existing legislative assistance organizations should be enhanced with closer cooperative ties and comprehensively.
  5. Any plans which facilitate the legislative proposal process and total revitalization plan for the Diet should be carried out simultaneously.
    • The number of cosponsors required for a member initiated legislation should be reduced.
    • Relaxation of the Binding Power of Party Decisions Should Be Considered.
    • The so-called government committee system which allows the presence of government bureaucrats in the meeting of a Diet committee should be abolished. This should encourage free flow discussion of matters among Diet members.


What's New Index
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 vol.1