What is Necessary to Improve the Policy Making Abilities of Diet Members?
1999/09/07 update |
Koumei Sakaki |
Japanese employment system is in a critical situation
1999/07/27 update |
Naomichi Yasuda |
By Hajime Takano, publisher, INSIDER
 (Translated by Michiyo Nakamura)
NATO and 'Outside' the US-Japan Security Agreement: American Cultural Confusion Worsening
1999/07/27 update |
The 21st Century Policy Forum Japan Committee on Legal Policies
1999/09/07 update |
[I. A Proposal for Reform of the Judicial System]
[II. Establishment of the Committee on Judicial Reform] |
Judicial System Reform
1999/09/02 update |
[What is Required of Judicial System Reform ?] |
Climbing Up the Career Ladder
1999/07/27 update |
[The vocational training subsidies system] |