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Optimum Division of Labor and Collaboration

There are different professional groups such as social workers, care managers, home helpers. What do you think should be the form of collaboration among them?
    Mr. Nukada
    There are two types collaboration, organizational and individual.
    Organizational work is required in developing new systems and training programs for guardians. In this area, the collaboration is organization to organization, and we need one organization that can function as the coordinator. Representatives of different organizations may be willing to work together, but without someone who has ability to coordinate them,
    results will not materialize.

What about individual cases?
    Mr. Nukada
    The guardian system is designed to guard the totality of an individual's life, and is not limited only to asset management. It is crucial that trust be developed between the protected person and his care takers. Guardians are not able to be with an individual around the clock, yet daily life, health and ordinary needs must be managed. Professionals such as lawyers and others who suddenly appear can not establish humane relationships instantly. Family members, home helpers and volunteers may be able to accomplish much more in that area. Lawyers and judicial scriveners will serve to supplement certain areas where those close to an elderly individual may not be able to perform professionally.


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