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Legal Technical Assistance to Asia
The Responsibility of Private Organizations to Promote Mutual Understanding By Assisting In Training for Legal Technical Assistance Others

Asia's Common Legal Basis

Currently, Europe is integrating into one in the form of the EU.
However, wide differences are present among Asian nations with regard to religion and value systems. Do you think it is possible to realize a common legal system established within Asia?

I wish we could create a joint organization which could resolve international disputes and act as an arbitrator for issues in Asia. I sometimes discuss this issue with Ministry of Justice officials.
Nonetheless, in reality, usually either the U.S. or the UK acts as the arbitrator of disputes, even though both parties are Asian nations.

We cannot deny that the West has been the leading supporter of Asian legal technical assistance. The reason why Japan has not been able to take the initiative in this type of project might well be due to our past history.

I think it is important for the government to clearly indicate their position. Even though in the cases of Cambodia and Vietnam, the Japanese Ministry of Justice has been actively involved, we are at a point where the government as a whole should take the initiative to lead the private sector in legal technical assistance.


In year 2001, the Osaka Fifth Regional Government Office Building will be
completed on the site of Handai Hospital in Nakanoshima, Osaka. Using this
location as a base for new offices, Japan's legal technical assistance to
Asia will enter a new era.


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