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0 1 2 3 4 vol.3

Judicial System Reform

An Overview from the Secretariat of the Judicial Reform Council ...Efforts Toward Reform has Begun with a Two Year Time Limit...
The first meeting of the Judicial Reform Council took place on July 27 in a large conference room in the Prime Minister's Office. Among the thirteen attendees were Prime Minister Obuchi, Minister of Justice, Takao Jinnai, Professor Yukiharu Sato of Kyoto University and others. These individuals will serve on the Council for the next two years, deliberating the future of Japan's judicial system. The secretariat, headed by Secretary General . Toshiaki Hiwatari, has been formed. The membership consists of representatives from the Ministries of Justice, Finance and Education as well as legal professionals, attorneys and justices, fourteen in all.

An Interview with Mr. Yoshiharu Kojima

→ Background in organizing the council

→ More than a half of the council members are non juridical persons.

→ Hearings will be held to pinpoint issues.

→ With regard to open discussions before the public


↑What's New ←Index
0 1 2 3 4 vol.3