The new system is attracting wide attention from not only lawyers but
also from certain industries such as financial institutions and the life
insurance industry, who smell lucrative business opportunities.
True. Already, trust banks and damage compensation insurance firms
have approached us soliciting collaboration. Financial institutions are
always quick to smell business opportunities. Furthermore, social welfare
workers, at one time or another, have assisted care and welfare programs at
places such as post office windows and the consulting windows of banks and
life insurance offices.
Is it proper to allow financial institutions enter the system as
business operators?
I think so. However, we, as social welfare workers, should not forget
that our primary duty is to deal with issues outside the world of
As the system is established, business will proceed along with it. And
yet, you say that the areas that businesses do not take care should not be
This is the point we would like to emphasize. Needless to say, the
total population of active social welfare workers, both freelance and
business operators, is increasing. In light of the increasing demand for
guardianship services, we also see that there are certain business
opportunities opening to us.