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Problems with Foreign Attorney Law Offices

Emergence of Giant Law Offices

In everyday business, what is the biggest problem you are facing these days?

Since the definition of "specified special joint projects" is very ambiguous, it is difficult for Japanese attorneys to participate in them. Therefore, even though there is a tremendous amount of work, we cannot find suitable Japanese attorneys to participate in "specified joint projects." One of the major obstacles we are facing is a lack of Japanese attorneys when we want to conduct business.

Are you saying that you cannot find partners for "specified joint projects" due to a lack of practicing attorneys in Japan?

Yes, that is the case. I don't understand why we cannot maintain a unrestricted relationship between attorneys. This has to do with the interpretation of Article 27 of the Foreign Attorneys Act.

I assume that you are paying the same membership fee to the Japan Federation of Bar Associations as Japanese attorneys?

Yes, I am paying the same amount. However, we only have the right to vote on issues which relate to foreign attorneys. We do not have the right to vote on general issues. On the one hand, the JFBA say we have to pay the same dues because we are practicing attorneys. On the other hand, they treat us though we are in a different field of business. This is a contradictory attitude.

If we think in terms of reciprocity, if Japanese attorneys are given equal opportunity in the U.S., we should provide foreign attorneys equal opportunity in the Japan as well. What is your opinion on this?

The global trend has been that accounting offices have branched out into providing legal services. If practicing attorneys do not respect, recognize and collaborate with one another, we are likely to become extinct. There are giant accounting offices throughout the world which employ over 150,000 people and have revenues over $20 billion. They have abundant staff and provide proper training for them. Moreover, they provide variety of free publications. Furthermore, they have contributed to society and the economy. We, therefore, should not take these organizations lightly. If we do not cooperate with one another, we will not be able to compete with these organizations. In essence, there are no borders when we talk about human rights and societies. Therefore to provide appropriate services to clients, practicing attorneys should respect each other as professionals and cooperate with one another while improving their professional skills.


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