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Goodbye to the 20th Century
――The Last Five Hundred Days
Hajime Takano The Insider, Inc.

As of August 20th, 1999, almost exactly 500 days remain in this century; that is, until December 31, 2000. All of us most certainly will spend at least some of that time reflecting upon the past and making resolutions for the coming years .

This magazine raised the "end of the century" issue exactly ten years ago, suggesting that the upcoming years should be a time of reflection on the significance and legacy of the entire century and to develop plans for the twenty-first century (see Thinking of the 1990s in Issue No. 191, dated September 1, 1990). Readers may well be fed up with my repeated suggestions to think about these points. Yet, I must once again urge them to do so as I have not seen any fundamental debate, analysis or reflection concerning this significant time. Thus, the problem is not this magazine, but a world that does not debate the critical issues we are facing, not to mention making an effort to develop a vision for the next century.

>The Insider Faces Its Own End of the Century

>The Century of the Nation States

>The Century of War

>The Century of Oil and Chemicals

>The Century of Markets

>The Century of Mass Media


^What's New <Index
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 vol.3